| Academic Department Institut Penyelidikan Bioteknologi, UMS |
| Appointed Department Institut Penyelidikan Bioteknologi, UMS |
| miqbal@ums.edu.my |
DOKTOR FALSAFAH, Jamia Millia Delhi, India , 1997 | |
M.SC.BIOCHEMISTRY, Aligarh Muslim University,India , 1991 | |
B.Sc HONOURS, Aligarh Muslim University,India , 1986 |
Documents | : | 74 |
H-Index | : | 26 |
Citations | : | 2582 |
Affiliation | : | Universiti Malaysia Sabah |
1. | the mechanisms of action of antidiabetic potential of medicinal plants boesenbergia stenophylla and erechtites hieracifolia as evinced by differential gene expression Leader , 01-10-2023 until 30-09-2026 |
2. | anti-oxidant effects of cammelia sinensis kombucha from sabah in reversing paracetamol-induced liver inflammation in mice Member , 01-03-2021 until 02-09-2023 |
3. | fundamental study of peria katak (bitter melon) herbal supplements and herbal tea under the small holding company of sabah green herbs (trading license ppg/2019/13317) karanaan, tambunan, sabah and to professional designing of the packaging Member , 01-01-2021 until 03-07-2024 |
4. | featured medicinal plants in guizhou province, china and sabah, malaysia Member , 01-08-2018 until 01-02-2021 |
5. | an evaluation of toxicological effects of low doses of potassium bromate (kbr03), a food additive in rats Leader , 01-05-2017 until 31-10-2019 |
6. | the hepatoprotective mechanism of clidemia hirta and lygodium circinnatum as evinced by differential gene expression Leader , 02-11-2015 until 01-05-2018 |
7. | characterization of endotoxin-biomolecule interactions to enhance product recovery in biomanufacturing Member , 01-07-2014 until 31-12-2017 |
8. | an evaluation of antidiabetic effects of cynometra cauliflora (nam-nam, fabaceae) Leader , 04-01-2014 until 01-03-2016 |
9. | transcriptomic and carrageenan analyses of micropropagated kappaphycus and eucheuma seaweeds under different light regimes and carbon dioxide concentrations Member , 01-01-2014 until 31-03-2016 |
10. | possible utilization of microbes from virgin forest diversity to control erwinia spp of papaya dieback disease Member , 01-05-2012 until 01-10-2014 |
1. | Mohammad Iqbal , Wilson Yong Thau Lym (2024), Assessment Of Antioxidant And Hepatoprotective Effects Of Kappaphycus Alvarezii (doty) Doty Ex Silva Against Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Liver Injury In Rats
2. | Mohammad Iqbal , Ruzaidi Azli Bin Mohd Mokhtar , Zainul Amiruddin Bin Zakaria (2024), Medicinal Plants Of Southeast Asia With Anti-a-glucosidase Activity As Potential Source For Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
3. | Mohammad Iqbal (2023), Phytochemical Analysis And Antioxidant Activity Of Aqueous Extract Of Ficus Septica Leaves From Sabah, Malaysia
4. | Mohammad Iqbal (2023), Total Phenolic, Flavonoid Content, Antioxidant Activity And Phytochemical Screening Of Donax Grandis (miq.) Ridl.
5. | Mohammad Iqbal (2023), Effects Of Andrographis Paniculata On Carbon Tetrachloride (ccl4)-mediated Renal Oxidative Damage In Rats
6. | Muhammad Dawood Shah , Mohammad Iqbal (2023), Phenolic Content, Antioxidant And Hepatoprotective Activities Of Sabah Hoya Coronaria Blume
1. | Mohammad Iqbal , Teoh Peik Lin , Kenneth Francis Rodrigues (2023), Hepatoprotective Effect Of Ficus Lepicarpa Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Oxidative Stress In Rats: Rt-qpcr
2. | Mohammad Iqbal , Teoh Peik Lin , Kenneth Francis Rodrigues (2023), Hepatoprotective Effect Of Ficus Lepicarpa Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Oxidative Stress In Rats: Rna Extraction And Rt-qpcr Condition Optimatization
3. | Mohammad Iqbal (2023), Anti-renal Cancer Properties Of Curcumin
4. | Mohammad Iqbal , Kenneth Francis Rodrigues , Teoh Peik Lin (2023), Hepatoprotective Activity Of Ficus Lepicarpa (moraceae) On Carbon Tetrachloride (ccl4)-intoxicated Rats